
9 Battle for Council of State slot in Volta

Nine  prominent individuals from the Volta Region has filed to contest for the Volta Regional slot of the council of state position slated for Friday  February 12, 2021.

Notable among them include the immediate past member Mr. Francis Albert Seth Nyonyo aged 53, Madam Grace Adiku Heloo (66), Paramount Chief of Avatime Traditional Area Osie Adza Tekpor VII (62).

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Others included the parliamentary candidate for the Progressive People’s party in the 2020 Election of the South Dayi Constituency Felix Lartey (42), Atsu-Koni Charles (43), Osei Christian Dziidi (43), Dzakpah Daniel Dzifa Kwabla (28)  Robert Castro Mediale (53) and Frederick Kwame Gbeku (46).

The Council of state is established by Article 89 of the 1992 Constitution of Ghana to counsel the President in the performance of his function as the President of Ghana and the commander in Chief of the Ghana Armed Forces.

The Council of State membership includes a former Chief Justice of Ghana, former chief of Defense Staff, a former Inspector general of Police, the president of the National House of Chiefs, one elected representative from each of the 16 Regions of Ghana and 11 appointees  of the President of the Republic.

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