
Agumenu heads Dzodze-Penyi Welfare Committee

Dr Donald Agumenu, leadership and management expert, has been appointed by Dzodze-Penyi Citizens’ Forum to head its welfare scheme committee.

Announcing the appointment, the leadership of the Forum under the chairmanship of Ghana’s former Ambassador to Benin, Mr Modestus Ahiable, said they expected Dr. Agumenu’s rich experiences to fully come on stream in finalising modalities to implement a proper welfare scheme to take care of members and citizens of Ketu North.

“I am to inform the house that Dr. Donald Agumenu has been appointed as the Chairman of the Forum Welfare Scheme Planning Committee,” a communique from Dzodze-Penyi Citizens Forum, stated.

The statement said the management expert was expected to select a team, including his good self, that he considered appropriate, from the Forum membership, to form the Planning Committee.

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Dr. Agumenu is also at liberty to co-opt any other person whose input may be required in the performance of their duties and produce a Draft Forum Welfare Scheme Document that will guide the Forum in all its welfare issues.

Dr Agumenu, also a Special Aide to late President Rawlings, said he was delighted with the opportunity to work in the interest of humanity.

“I want to thank our leaders and elders for coming out with an umbrella group called Dzodze-Penyi Citizens Forum and by extension conceptualizing the idea of Welfare Committee,” Dr Agumenu said.

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He observed that the greatest service to humanity was living for the sake of others, a philosophy he said defined his underpinning values for reaching out into a collective spirit in the frame of the Sister-City relationship with common cultural, religious and societal values for development.

“Traditionally, the spirit and the quest for welfare has been defined in our extended family structures and intermarriage relationships dating back to centuries. It is important at this moment for us to unearth and harness best practices to bring a more cohesive society that will live in peace and harmony with the hope for better livelihoods,” he added.

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Dr Agumenu hinted that the welfare scheme committee would look at issues of skills training, guidance and counselling, educational opportunities or scholarships, community microfinance and other thematic welfare schemes.

He challenged membership of the Citizens Forum to look into benefits that could be derived from the strategic location of both Dzodze and Penyi as border towns along the ECOWAS Highway.

Dzodze-Penyi Citizens Forum was formed last year by members of the two towns in the Ketu North Municipality to deepen peace, unity and tackle issues of underdevelopment.

Source: GNA


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