
Akatsi South: GES introduces vacation classes for BECE candidates

GNA-Management of the Akatsi South Education Directorate has directed all Headteachers and Subject teachers to organise vacation classes for Basic Education Certificate Education (BECE) candidates within the Municipality.

The exercise is one of the intervention strategies the management has put in place to fix the loss of contact hours during the recent strike action by teachers as well as preparing the candidates for the upcoming BECE, scheduled to start on Monday, July 8.

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A statement signed by Mr Karim Ayaana Umar, the Akatsi Municipal Director of Education, said the intervention strategy would also help address the continuous fall in the performance of students.

The statement reminded parents and candidates that this year’s examinations would start in July and not August as in previous years.

“It must also be noted that this is the first BECE to be taken by candidates since the introduction of the new Standards-Based Curriculum (SBC) for the Primary and Junior High Schools.”

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Headteachers have also been instructed to engage parents and School Management Committees (SMC) to discuss any stipend needed for the teachers.

The statement also explained that no student should be discriminated against in benefitting from vacation classes because the stakes were very high for management, headteachers, teachers, candidates, and parents.

Management also pledged to monitor closely the organisation of the exercise in the various schools to ensure that no child was left behind.

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“It is the hope of management that all teachers would put their shoulders to the wheel and help reverse the continuous drop in the performance of our candidates,” it added.

The exercise is slated to commence on Monday, April 15, and end on Friday, May 3.

Credit to GNA


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