
Anloga district holds annual health service performance review meeting

The outgoing Director of health service for the Anloga District health directorate, Miss Perfect Titiati, has expressed gratitude to staff of the Ghana Health Service (GHS) in the Anloga District.

Speaking during their 2022 annual performance review of the Anloga district health directorate on Wednesday February 1, 2023, she said, for the selfless dedication to work by staff made the district to be adjudged the overall best in the Volta region.

The 2022 annual performance review of the Anloga district health directorate was held on the theme “Achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in the midst of the Covid 19 Pandemic: The Role of Effective and Innovative Leadership”.

Miss Titiati urged the residents of the district to welcome health workers in their homes since accommodation is a big challenge in the district.

She also advised the health service staff to take service utilization very seriously and make sure everything they do show with data.

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Hon. Seth Yormewu, the District Chief Executive (DCE) for the Anloga District was very grateful to the director for her tremendous performance in the district to make the best among all in the region.

He said the assembly is working hard to improve on the health needs of residents in the district.

The DCE further assured the people of Genui of getting a CHPS compound in their community soon adding that work has already begun.

He noted that the district hospital under the agenda 111 at Agortoe is ongoing and the main contractor will soon be on site to speed up work.

“It is my hope that every electoral area gets CHPS compound to improve on maternal mortality issues in rural areas.”

The new Health director of the district, Mr. Oxygen Gershion, said he is grateful for the opportunity to join the hard-working team of the health directorate and promised to work and retain the position of the district at the top with the assurance that, the story line will be better than ever.

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The municipal health directorate observed that, despite the rough year 2022 recorded, some achievements in some key health indicators including OPV2 vaccination campaign, covid 19 vaccination campaign, training of chemical sellers and health staff on TB detection and screening, reduction in malaria from 4907 in 2021 to 3878 in 2022 among others is worth celebrating.

Touching on some low point, he indicated that, there was a low family planning acceptor rate of 20.9%, low ANC coverage of 42.7%, low skilled delivery of 25.% and low CHPS functionality.

Issues of rheumatism/joint pain which was said to have increased from 2935 in 2021 to 3284 as presented in the composite performance of the directorate.

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Mr. Eyram Dogah noted that, the challenges are still huge adding that, the directorate is bedevilled with inadequate number of health professionals especially community health nurses across the municipality.

He said motorbikes for services delivery, inadequate accommodation for health staff, lack of adequate physical infrastructure to be used as CHPS facilities in some communities are taking a negative to on health care delivery in the municipality.

He expressed appreciation to the selfless health collaboration volunteer, Togbe Hatsu lll, who sacrificed lots of his time to educate residents on radio and other community engagement.

The management of the municipal health directorate, the municipal assembly, the health staff and partners were also appreciated for contributing to the achievements recorded in 2022.



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