
Companies continue to export rosewood to China despite ban – Inusah Fuseini

Former Lands Minister, Inusah Fuseini, says some Ghanaian companies continue to export rosewood outside the country despite a ban by government.

Addressing stakeholders’ at the Joy Forum to address the illegal trade of rosewood Wednesday, the former Tamale Central MP said neither the erstwhile Mahama administration nor the incumbent government has lifted the ban against rosewood export.

“…ever since I announced that the harvesting and exporting of rosewood is banned until further notice, no Minister has lifted the ban. But we also know that export records received in China indicated that rosewood was exported from Ghana in spite of the ban. The question is, how did it leave the shores?” he disclosed.

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Mr Fuseini accused the Forestry Commission of shirking its responsibility to ensure that no rosewood leaves the shore of the country.

“It is the duty of the Forestry Commission to do a pre-shipment inspection before the wood leaves. So who did the inspection?” he quizzed.

According to him, the country only stands a chance in ridding itself of rosewood exportation if regulatory agencies such as the Forestry Commission enforces the law.

He further added that the Commission would need to liaise with the national security agencies to nip the menace in the bud since such perpetrators are supported by powerful personalities and institutions.

“We all know that people who engage in illegal activities especially in the natural resources sector have powerful men behind them. It is not only here in Ghana, everywhere. So powerful people are behind them.

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“So you need the commitment of not only the security agencies but the regulatory agency or authority like the Forest Commission. [We need to] really go behind and understand why they have not been able to regulate the exportation of some species in this country,” he explained.

Mr Fuseini noted that countries that enforce their laws are able to rid themselves of such acts that pose a threat to the growth of their economies.

Source: Myjoyonline


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