
Farmer, 55, Allegedly Murdered and Dumped in River Asukorkor

Report reaching voltaonlinegh has it that, , a 55 year old farmer has been allegedly murdered by some 5 young men and the body dumped in River Asukorkor on Friday 12th February, 2021.

The deceased by name Jomiba Donkor, according to the report, chanced on these men fishing in the said river with a chemical which is against a law  well known in the area.

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The victim confronted these young men and an altercation ensued leading to the men allegedly hitting the victim with a stick on the chin killing him instantly.

They said, relatives of the victim were not informed until between 10 to 11pm when they heard the rumor and decided to ascertain the fact from other people who were onlookers to the incident.

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The matter was then reported to the Dodo Amanfrom police and the body was retrieved on Saturday 13th February, 2021.

However, the cousin of the deceased, Ben Mamah, said both onlookers and the alleged killers have all been picked up by the police but there is a serious grand scheme to set these alleged murderers free by their relatives by way of influencing investigations.

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Calls to Mama Ben today, Thursday February 18, 2021 indicated that, the police are yet to process the case after statements have been taking from the 5 alleged suspects and the other 5 eyewitnesses.

The deceased left behind a wife and 7 children.



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