
Funeral service for Dzifa Attivor held in Accra

Many political stalwarts of the opposition National Democratic Congress, NDC, and Members of Parliament including the Speaker, Alban Bagbin, as well as the former president, John Mahama, on Thursday bid farewell to the former transport minister, Dzifa Aku Attivor, during her burial rites at the forecourt of the State House.

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Dzifa Attivor passed away last year in November 2021 after a  protracted illness.

Before her passing, she served as deputy transport minister and subsequently as a substantive minister under late President Evans Attah Mills and former President John Mahama from 2008 to December 2015, respectively.

Dzifa Ativor is credited with some monumental infrastructure achievements under her watch as the transport minister, which includes the Ho airport, Airport terminal 3, and some expansion works at the Takoradi Harbor, among others.

She was 65 years and left behind 3 children and 2 others.

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The General Secretary of the NDC, Mr. Asiedu Nketia, described her loss as a big blow to the NDC. He said she is someone who succeeded in all spheres except her unsuccessful attempts at elected political positions.

Source: Citinewsroom


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