
“Hope For Little Lives” conducts free surgeries for 36 children in Keta

The Hope for Little Lives, a non-governmental organization, has undertaken surgeries for 39 children diagnosed with various conditions in the Keta Municipality of the Volta Region. 

The children who suffered conditions including intussusception, umbilical hernias, inguinal hernias, dermoid just, undescended testis, hydrocele, circumcision among others were operated on at the Keta Hospital free of charge.

The founder of Hope for Little Lives, Dr. Maame Tekyiwa Botchway led the team of specialists who operated on children in the Keta Municipal Hospital.

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The founder of Hope for Little Lives, Dr. Maame Tekyiwa Botchway led the team of specialists who operated on children in the Keta Municipal Hospital.

“Indeed, life is not about us, it is about people, and we are blessed to be a blessing”, she said. 

A Pediatric Surgeon, Prof Afua Hesse,  said she joined the team to give back to society by helping the less privileged. 

She urged others who are well to do to extend help and support to the poor in society to make it a better place for all. 

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The Medical Superintendent of the Keta Municipal Hospital, Dr. Antoinette Ekuban, lauded the initiative by the team.

She said some of the children would have had to live with their conditions all their lives since their parents do not have the funds to transport them to Accra for healthcare. 

She, however, appealed to the government and other philanthropic organizations to equip the hospital to be able to provide such healthcare services to clients.

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The Hope for Little Lives organization also held a health screening exercise and provided free medication to participants.

The team also painted the Keta Basic School block, donated books and other learning aids to the school. 

Aker Energy, Star Assurance and Glico are some of the organizations that sponsored Hope for Little Lives to undertake the outreach. 



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