
JHS 3 student died after being stabbed in the breast by a JHS 2 classmate during an alleged boyfriend scuffle.

A 15-year-old JHS student (name withheld) has been arrested for allegedly stabbing her senior over a boy in Sehwi Akontombra in the Western North Region.

It is unclear what may have triggered the latest misunderstanding which led to the killing, however, persons close to them said the two have a history of quarrels over a boyfriend.

The suspect is believed to have stabbed the victim in the chest with a knife. Akua Safoah, the mother of the deceased said prior to the incident she had picked up information that the two have been at loggerheads.

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“I went to visit my sister and that was where I was informed my daughter earlier had a misunderstanding with her senior in school,” Safoah told Asaase News.

“I then decided to later meet the parents of the other girl to resolve the matter. But some hours later, I got the news that my daughter had been stabbed. I rushed to the scene and saw my daughter covered in blood. We tried to rush her to the hospital, but it was too late.”

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The assembly member for the Nkwadum Electoral area Isaac Etsie confirmed that the suspect has been arrested and is assisting police with investigations.

“I received a call about the fight and was given an account of what ensued. The body of the deceased has been deposited at the Sewhi Wiaso Hospital mortuary as the police investigate the matter. I have spoken to the headmaster of the school as well, but he says he is unaware of any previous fight between the girls,” Etsie told Asaase News.

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