
Keta Market in a deplorable state; market women demand quick fixing

Market women in Keta are not happy about the poor state of the only market in the township. 

According to a Facebook post by Keta Gossip and a subsequent follow up carried out by, most of the structures in the market are in a deplorable state and the market women whose source of livelihood depend on it are not happy. 

Multiple sources say that anytime it rains, the place gets flooded and becomes muddy. The market women revealed how calls that have been made to the authorities at the municipality to help give the market a new facelift have fallen on deaf ears. They also recalled promises made to them in the past but the reality is yet to be seen. 

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“Keta is a big town and as such, there should be nice structures to help boost our economic activities. What we have here is nothing to be proud of. We’ve spoken to everyone concerned but it seems the talking has been felt more. They are just not thinking about us“, some market women voiced out angrily. 

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Another woman who spoke to the Rymcitigh team on anonymity described the situation as alarming. According to her, the Keta Municipal Assembly has been collecting market tolls yet they are not thinking about them. Leadership was also told to be up and doing. 

“When you pay your levies as expected of you, the change that has been promised should be seen but unfortunately, this isn’t the case. Keta needs a new market. We need leadership in the town to wake up” 

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It is expected that the incessant calls made by the market women will catch the attention of the authorities so that the glory days of benefiting directly from the market will return. 



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