
Landlords can evict tenants who owe a month’s arrears – Rent Control

The Rent Control Department has indicated that a tenant may be evicted if he or she owes one month’s arrears.

The PRO of the institution, Emmanuel Hovey Kporsu, said tenants must make sure they are not indebted to property owners.

He was, however, quick to add that property owners who seek possession of their properties must also desist from using force.

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He explained that the proper way to do things is to write to the Rent Control Department requesting to serve the tenant an ‘Order of Eviction’.

“You as a tenant should not be indebted to the landlord of a month’s rent,” Mr. Kporsu said on Joy News’ The Law.

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“If you owe any landlord a month’s rent, the landlord can just stand on this, come to the Rent Control Department and apply for an order of eviction but the landlord has no right to forcefully eject the tenant because the tenant is owing him or her a month’s rent.”

He further disclosed that landlords and landladies can take back their properties if their tenants break any obligation in the tenancy agreement or misconduct themselves.

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He noted that tenants who use a rented space for immoral or illegal purposes can also be evicted after they are convicted by a court.

Source: Pulse Ghana


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