
Makafui Woanyah sues organizers of ‘Save Keta Now’ demonstration for defamation; wants GHS400,000 damages

The Volta Regional Chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) has filed a defamation suit against organizers of the ‘Save Keta Now’ demonstration for publishing defamatory statements against him.

According to Makafui Woanyah, being described by the demonstrators as a key player in the financial malfeasance uncovered in the Keta Municipal Assembly is “libellous and defamatory” and has caused “injury to his reputation and standing in society.”

Mr. Woanyah who doubles as a government appointee in the Keta Assembly is seeking damages of GHS400,000 and an order from the court directing the defendants to retract the said publication and give it the same prominence accorded the defamatory one. 

The four defendants are Wonder Setsoafia Deynu ( Convener) from Tetekofe-Vui, Divine Amedzrovi (Secretary) from Anloga, Favour Fugah (Organiser) from Vui, and Emmanuel Gameli Dovia from Tegbi.

Per the plaintiff’s statement of claim, an advert by the ‘Concerned Citizens of Anlo’ for a peaceful demonstration against financial malfeasance in the Keta Assembly, to his dismay, turned out to be an attack on his personality and reputation. 

The statement of claim also avers that Mr. Woanyah who chairs the Development Sub Committee connived with some assembly members to share public lands in Keta and awarded contracts to “himself and his assigns and stooges”. 

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Plaintiff avers that the defendants claimed that he and his cronies withdrew and shared among themselves GHS150,000 allocated for the construction of the Abor Magistrate Court. 

“Plaintiff avers that continuing from last paragraph of the page 2, the said petition states “The Keta Municipal Assembly has awarded numerous projects and contracts to some selected few who are in positions of influence and conflict of interest.

“One of such is the current Chairman of the Development Sub Committee of the Assembly, Hon Makafui Kofi Woanyah, who uses his position as the regional chairman of the ruling NPP through democratic tyranny to amass these contracts to himself and his stooges.

“Few of these projects include:

(a) Covid-19 Investment Infrastructure awarded to Ahamu Const. Ltd owned by Hon. Papa Gobah (Government Appointee). 

(b) Construction of one (1) market shade at Keta market at a cost of GHS61,281.38. Ladies and gentlemen, I am talking about one, single one market shed at that price. This contract was awarded to Elikem Ventures owned by one Elikem Sewordor (Government Appointee) and a special aide to Makafui Kofi Woanyah.

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(c) Construction of 8-seater WC toilet facility at Tsiame at a cost of GHS74,252.93. This gargantuan chop chop contract was also awarded to Ahamu Const. Ltd. (Hon Papa Gobah).

(d) Supply of 500 dual desks for schools across the municipality. The master himself, Hon Kofi Makafui Woanyah, took hold of this contract. The contract sum is GHS197,505.00. This means the cost of one (1) desk is a whopping GHS395.01. This can best be described as Create, Loot, and Share”

“Plaintiff avers that on page 4 of the petition under the caption “MISSING PWD FUNDS”, the petition states: “My dear brothers and sisters, is it not so sad and pathetic that even the money released for Persons With Disabilities was also shared and chopped? (Ewe rendition)

“Our relentless efforts in revealing the truth showed that about GHS300,000 budgeted for persons with disabilities (PWD) in 2020 which the Administrator of the District Assembly Common Fund (DACF) transferred an amount of GHS221,869.44 to the account.

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“The sad story is that only GHS70,000 out of the said amount was given to them whilst the Hon MCE, the Development Sub Com Chairman (RC NPP) shared the rest booty amongst themselves,” the writ of summons stated. 

Mr. Woanyah “avers that the facts stated in the impugned publication are not true in so far as they refer to him being the orchestrator or beneficiary of the alleged ‘malfeasance’”. 

He avers that the defendants failed to contact him to ascertain the truth of the allegation before going public to attack his personality.

He detailed that he was among a few who detected anomalies in the financial administration of the assembly, hence advocated for a resolution to be passed. 

He explained that the Keta Municipal Assembly has made attempts to deal with the financial malfeasance, which had widely spread across the municipality. 

“Plaintiff avers that defendants, therefore, have no basis to rope his name into the alleged malfeasance.”

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Story By:  Fred Quame Asare  


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