
NDC petitioned to expel Koku Anyidoho from party

The National Executive Committee (NEC) of the NDC has been petitioned to expel a former Deputy General Secretary under the Atta Mills administration from the party.

The petition filed by the Deputy Bono Regional Communications Officer for the party wants Koku Anyidoho expelled on grounds of gross misconduct.

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In a statement sighted by JoyNews, the petitioner, Eric Adjei said “the petition is grounded on many instances, ill-will speeches accentuated by malice and calculated to subject the party to public ridicule.”

Mr Adjei explained that Koku Anyidoho has consistently taken to his twitter page to make pronouncements which damages the reputation of the party.

Citing various posts including one which Mr Anyidoho declared support for President Akufo-Addo on grounds that “the President is a product of the Nkrumah ideological institute,” Mr Adjei said “Koku’s conduct is contrary to the express provisions of the Constitution of the NDC and his actions and inactions are inimical to the progress of the party.”

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Source: myjoyonline

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