
Oti Region: Minster urges residents in Nkwanta to end tribal clashes

The Oti Regional Minister, Joshua Makubu, has urged residents of Nkwanta to eschew conflict and be united to end the tribal clashes in the area.

At a press briefing on Thursday (1 February), Makubu expressed deep worry over the recent clashes and violence within the municipality.

He stressed the need for unity and understanding among the various tribal groups and appealed for coexistence in the region.

“Peace is the bedrock of development, and without it, progress becomes elusive. It is worrying to witness our communities torn apart by tribal conflicts, which only hinders the growth and prosperity we all seek,” the regional minister said.

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He, therefore, urged community leaders, traditional rulers, and residents to embrace dialogue and reconciliation to allow for development and coexistence.

He emphasised the importance of dialogue and open communication to promote togetherness and connect the tribal groups in the municipality.

“I call on all parties involved to come to the table with open hearts and minds. Let us prioritise peaceful dialogue over violence, understanding over ignorance, and unity over division. We are stronger together,” the minister stressed.

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As part of his initiative to promote peace, the minister announced plans to bring together residents and traditional leaders for a peaceful summit that would bring together representatives from the conflicting tribes, community leaders, and other stakeholders.

The summit will enable the various leaders and groups to create a platform for open discussions, allowing participants to express their concerns and grievances for collective action towards ending the tribal conflict.

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Some community leaders have already welcomed the idea and pledged to participate in the dialogue that will bring an end to the conflict.

Meanwhile, about thirteen people have died, others injured, and properties destroyed.

The conflict has also delayed the academic calendars as schools have been temporarily closed and a curfew imposed on the Nkwanta township.

Source: Asaaseradio


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