
“Provide Textbooks before We Resume School” – Teacher Unions to Gov’t

The leaders of the Coalition of Concerned Teachers Ghana (CCT-GH) and the Ghana National Association of Teachers in Keta and Akatsi respectively, are urging the government to swiftly take action to provide the essential instructional and learning resources before students return to class.

This appeal was made after numerous attempts by the teaching unions to draw the government’s attention to the issue proved unsuccessful.

In an exclusive interview with Sandcity Radio, Mr. Jumper Ephraim, the head of six districts for the Coalition of Concerned Teachers Ghana in the southern zone of the Volta region, stated that since the Ghana Education Service changed the teaching curriculum, teachers are finding it challenging to instruct the students because there are no course materials to use.

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“These days, learning is really challenging in our schools. We don’t have any textbooks from the government to utilize with the students. So, how do they anticipate that we will instruct the pupils to achieve good grades? Before the children can study, we occasionally have to use our own funds to put together certain learning resources that fit the new curriculum. The government ought to stand up”. He explained.

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Mr. Prosper Agbeli, the GNAT chairman for Akatsi South and North districts, has emphasized that their work is being hampered by the lack of course materials in the classrooms. He suggested that since they are on vacation, the government must take urgent measures to ensure that all of the schools get the necessary textbooks before classes start.

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He argued that since students cannot learn without textbooks, Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum, minister of education, must take action to stop the problem.

Mr. Agbeli warned that the teacher unions would come together and stage a protest if the government did not provide textbooks before the end of this term’s break.

Story by: Kekeli K. Blamey


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