
Sam George seeks compensation for victims of Ayawaso West Wuogon by-election violence

Member of Parliament for Ningo Prampram, Sam George has expressed his frustration over the failure of government to compensate victims of the violence that characterised the Ayawaso West Wuogon by-election on January 31, 2019.

Making a statement on the floor of Parliament yesterday, 2 years after the incident, he highlighted the fact that among the victims were breadwinners of their families who continue to suffer the consequences of that day’s events.

Sam George revealed that the families of some of the victims who petitioned government for the payment of their compensation are yet to receive any response from government.

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“It is heartbreaking Mr Speaker for me to stand in the people’s Chamber and recount how none of these individuals who were promised compensation in the government white paper has received any support from the state.”

“I am heartbroken as I myself was a victim of the recklessness that characterised the actions of states operatives on the day. I saw firsthand the brutality meted out to some citizens of the Republic.”

Sam George stated that although a total of 18 victims filed complaints against the assailants, justice is still yet to be served.

He further added that regardless of a petition he personally wrote to the IGP and the Deputy CID after the assault his attacker is still “walking free”.

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“It is this inertia in the delivery of justice that leads many to question if truly, justice will be served in this unfortunate matter,” he said.

The Ningo Prampram legislator urged the Speaker to use his office to impress upon the Executive to compensate the victims.

But reacting to the statement, Majority Chief Whip Frank Annor Dompreh cited other by-elections including Atiwa, Akwatia and Chereponi stating that those were more violent than that of Ayawaso West.

He said that it was discriminatory for Sam Goerge to limit his statement to one by-election.

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“I want to humbly submit that any injustice perpetuated anywhere should be condemned and, hence, as my colleague is calling for a thorough investigation and handing over of deserving compensation, let’s also not gloss over the injustice perpetrated at Atiwa by-election. The Akwatia and Chereponi by-election should not be lost on us.”

Mr Annor Dompreh, however, stated that government should be commended for setting a commission of enquiry which resulted in the enacting of a law against vigilantism.

“Even as we lament, it is important we recognise the good step that was taken by the government then.”

Source: myjoyonline

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