
Teenage Pregnancy: Men should zip up their pants – Otiko Djaba

Former Gender Minister Otiko Djaba has called on parents to be protective of the girl child from unscrupulous men.

She noted that parents must pay critical attention to teenage girls while working towards ending the cycle of poverty in their families.

Mrs. Djaba also criticised men who usually take advantage of these girls, insisting they should zip up their pants.Otiko Afisa Djaba

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“It is the girl child who’s the victim. We should protect her at all cost. We shouldn’t throw her out of the house,” she said, as quoted by Myjoyonline.

“Those unscrupulous men, I will not say anyone should castrate them. But they should zip their pants. We must ensure that they enforce the laws

Data from the Ghana Health Service shows that more than a hundred thousand teenagers got pregnant in 2020.

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In January, the Ghana Education Service (GES) also revealed that the Ashanti Region leads in teenage pregnancies in the country.

According to the Ashanti Regional Girl Child Coordinator of GES, Hannah Amponsah, “there were 128 cases in the upper primaries, while JHS recorded 783 and 310 cases in the senior high schools with a cumulative figure of 1,228 female teenage pregnancy cases in the Ashanti Region.”


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