
Tension at Ho Mun. Assembly as Members locked out Finance Officer

Tension is brewing at the Ho Municipal Assembly following agitation by members calling for the removal of the Municipal Finance Officer (MFO), Mac-George Apetorgbor.

Some assembly members, on Wednesday, June 7, besieged the assembly premises in red bands to lock up the office of the Finance Officer and impound his official vehicle.

The disgruntled members, said their action was to drum their demand for the removal of the senior civil servant from the assembly, whom they accused of displaying blatant disrespect towards them.

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They disclosed that Mr. Apetorgbor’s behaviour was impeding the progress of the Assembly and therefore insisted on his transfer.

Mr. Mawunyo Agbe, the Presiding Member of the Ho Municipal Assembly, told the media that while they lacked the authority to terminate the MFO’s employment, they believed he should be replaced to ensure the smooth functioning of the assembly.

Volta Online has learnt that, in February, Assembly members passed a vote of no confidence in the Finance Officer and subsequently wrote to the appropriate authorities requesting his transfer.

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A plea, the Presiding Member stated  fell on deaf ears, hence prompted their current action.

“All we want is for the gentleman to be transferred since he is unwilling to collaborate with us. However, the employers are indifferent and appear unconcerned about the situation in the municipality. This is the most effective way for us to emphasize our demand,” he expressed.

Meanwhile, the Civil and Local Government Staff Association of Ghana (CLOGSAG) has condemned the assembly members’ conduct, referring to it as a “terrorist act.”

In a prompt release, Kojo Krakani, the Deputy Executive Secretary, stated that the behaviour of the assembly members had created an “unsafe” working environment for the staff. Consequently, he instructed the staff to stay home.

CLOGSAG statement

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