
Tidal waves in Ketu South could recur – MCE

The Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) for Ketu South in the Volta Region, Maxwell Lugudor, has warned that the tidal waves which hit parts of the municipality on Sunday, April 3, 2022, could resurface soon.

Mr Lugudor explained that the sea is very high hence the wave could hit anytime soon again, therefore residents must vacate their homes.

Over twenty households have been left stranded at Agavedzi, Akplabanya and its adjoining communities have been hit by tidal waves.

READ  Tidal waves hit again; many rendered homeless at Agavedzi, Akplabanya

This comes barely four months after hundreds were left stranded in some coastal communities in the year 2021.

Giving further details on the accident on 3FM Sunrise hosted by Alfred Ocansey on Monday, Mr. Lugudor said that “it started Sunday”.

“It’s a little bit higher but not like last year and it could happen again because looking at the sea level it’s very high”.

The MCE said the immediate action is to evacuate the victims and that is what the assembly has done through NADMO.

READ  We need sea defense wall not relief items – Tidal waves victims

“We advised them to move to their families that are above the sea level and a lot of them moved yesterday”, he explained.

Mr. Lugudor said funding has been secured to build two-bedroom houses for the inhabitants.

“We have secured funding for them to get 2bedroom for every family. Through the First Lady, second we were able to get some funding”.

READ  BECE candidates at Fuveme devastated after tidal waves collapsed their school

Asked on the promise by the government to construct sea defense in the areas, Mr. Lugudor said “sea defense is above me as the MCE. What we are doing now is getting them resettlement immediately”.

“We are ensuring that we save lives and property”.



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