
Torgbui Gbadago VI outdoored as Awadada of Some traditional Area in the Volta Region

The people of Some traditional area of the Volta on Saturday out doored Torgbui Gbadago VI as a new Awadada (Warlord) for the traditional area.

Awadada Torgbui Gbadago VI was among some fourteen chiefs who were enstooled about a fortnight ago after going through series of rites as demanded by the Somey traditional Council.

As customs demands; all enstooled chiefs must be outdoored in their various communities and such ceremony was held across all the divisions of Some on Saturday and that of Torgbui Gbadago was beautifully done at the forecourt of the Makorsor Palace at Agbozume-Afegame

The Some traditional area was without a Awadada for some years now after the demise of the last Awadada.

Torgbui after the outdooring ceremony, was very glad and in delivering his inaugural speech, he showed gratitude to the traditional council and kingmakers for honoring him as the Warlord of the area.

According to Torgbui, though he is Awadada, he is rather here to serve the natives because there are no wars to fight in modern day.

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Torgbui pledged to unify all natives to resolve the unnecessary chieftaincy disputes that are retarding development in the Some area.

“The misunderstanding that are causing our disputes are coming from within the chieftaincy itself, not from anywhere and also from the politicians, as we move forward let’s try and solve our problems because it’s a family problem and Some is a family” Torgbui said.

Awadada advised the natives to adopt “We can do it” spirit to collaborate with all stakeholders to achieve his aims as an administrative Chief of Some

Awadada Torgbui Gbadago VI also pledged to promote trade in the area to sustain the livelihood of the Some natives.

Agbota Trifo was also out doored as agbota to the Awadada.

The ceremony was graced by dignitaries and among them were; Dumegah Domi Abraham who is the secretary to Torgbui Adda VIII of Klikor, Hon. Isaac Adjei Mensah, the NDC MP for Wassa East, Prof. John Bright Aheto of Pentecost University, Mama Bubuaabu VIII, Queen mother from Klikor, Zikpuitor Godwin Amuzu and among others

Known in private life as Mr. Agamah William Kodjo, He was born on 7th June, 1948 to Mr. Ephraim Kofi Agamah a native of Agbozume and Madam Margaret Adzo Gbeblewu-Agamah of Asadame.

Torgbui had his early education at E.P. Primary and middle schools as well as Zion mission school in the years 1954, 1961 and 1962 respectively and later gained admission to Zion College of west Africa in September 1962 and later to Keta Secondary school and completed in 1969.

He later got admitted at university of Ghana-Legon where he read Economics and graduated with second class lower honors.

Torgbui got his first job appointment at COCOBOD where he serves for three years before travelling to Canada to obtain his post graduate and master of arts degree from McGill University in Montreal in 1979.

As a policy advisor to Alberta Motor Vehicle Division at Canada, he assisted in numerous transformational activities including the implementation of a new vehicle registration system that saw a solution to the lofty lines and congestions at various offices. Torgbui was among a team that developed the Alberta International Trade Strategy, He was a senior transportation Analyst.He was also a member of the Provincial Auto Theft Committee in 1980s

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Mr. William Kodjo Agama before his enstoolment later this year was a lecturer at Concordia University of Edmonton and MacEwan University in Edmonton. He also lectured at Northern Alberta Institute of Technology.

Torgbui is Tae Kwondo  black belt Dan 1 holder in. Torgbui is blessed with six children (a son and five daughters)

The Someys’ were among the people who left Notsie in Togo on exodus to present day Ghana, they stayed in Keta and later moved to their present inhabitations. The Some traditional area spans across Ketu South, Ketu North and parts of Keta municipal with the capital as Agbozume.

The Awadada stool on which the Gbadago’s are enstooled is a stool of bravery and courage which lead the Some people into wars in ancient days. Due to the non-existence of wars in modern day, the occupants of the stool rather focuses on socio-economic development of the area.



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