
Volta Region: Four die in road crash

Seven other passengers sustained injuries and are being treated at a nearby medical facility, the police confirmed.

At least four individuals have been confirmed dead in a motor crash on the Eastern corridor road in the North Dayi District of the Volta Region.

Seven other passengers sustained injuries and are being treated at a nearby medical facility, the police confirmed.

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The incident occurred on Monday (14 March) around 12am. Eyewitnesses said it was a head-on collision between a bus leaving the region towards Accra and a truck loaded with bags of cement from Accra to Dambai, the Oti regional capital.

“After the crash, the Benz bus landed in the middle of the road whilst the Renault truck veered off the highway into a minor road on its nearside and crashed into a container provision shop about 100 meters away,” the police spokesperson in the region DSP Effia Tenge said.

“The bodies of the three females have been identified while efforts are underway to identify the deceased driver. Seven others including the driver in charge of the Renault cargo truck sustained varied degrees of injuries and were rushed to the government hospital in Peki for medical attention,” ASP Tenge said.

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Investigation is underway to establish the cause of the accident.

Source: Asaaseradio


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