
Volta Region: How a petty trader helped rescue a 13-year-old girl from kidnappers

A 13-year-old boy was rescued from two alleged kidnappers at Abutia Togbave in the Volta Region’s Ho West District.

Tsemawusi Forgive was apprehended in a vehicle on her way to Juapong, North Tongu District, where she was supposed to be delivered for a fee.

According to an eyewitness, a petty trader in Abutia Kpota raised an alarm after one of the suspects inquired about the presence of a Police barrier on the Abutia-Juapong stretch when he purchased sachet water from her.

A roadblock was set up in Abutia Sogbave to prevent the suspects, who were travelling in two vehicles, from passing through.

A search was carried out, and the victim was discovered in one of the vehicles.

The suspects were taken to the Chief’s palace and later handed over to the Anyirawase Police.

The victim told JoyNews that she met the young men near the Fire Service office in Ho while returning from a friend’s house where she went to borrow a phone to make a call.

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She claimed that one of the suspects approached her, greeted her, and inquired about her hometown, name, and age.

“I told him I am 13 years old. He asked if I had a boyfriend and I responded no”, she said.

“I don’t know how I got on board. The driver kept asking me if I was okay if I was hungry or thirsty. He told me to feel free and inform him in case I was troubled with anything”, she added. 

She stated that she asked the suspect if he was married and had children, to which he replied that he was not and that he lived in Sokode Gborgame.

Forgive stated that she noticed some people at a gas station where the driver had filled his tank, suspected foul play, and pursued the vehicles.

“When we travelled further, he bought 4 sachets of water, he and his friend took one each. He asked me to drink, but I refused. I only shook my head”.

She also stated that some commercial motor riders set up a roadblock along the route and forced the vehicles to stop, despite the fact that the suspects attempted to flee in one of the communities.

She stated that she regained consciousness after disembarking from the vehicle and told the natives that she became unconscious after entering the suspect’s vehicles.

“The man who had tailed us from the filling station also said he heard one of the suspects asking someone on the phone that ‘how much will they be paid because they had gotten the thing’”.  

The victim stated that one of the suspects claimed to be his sister but failed to provide her name, raising the suspicions of the locals. The suspects were eventually taken to the chief’s palace.

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“At the Chief’s palace, the Okada guys pounced on the suspect who attempted to lie”, “they asked them if they wanted to kill me, which they failed to answer.”

She provided her sister’s contact information upon request and has since been reunited with her family.

The victim’s father stated that she had left her home in Kpenoe, Ho Municipality, on Tuesday evening after being chastised for wrongdoing.

“When she left home at Kpenoe after I scolded her for something she did wrong, I assumed she had gone to my mother’s place in Takla. “I had no idea she came to Ho until the incident happened,” he explained.

The police have yet to issue an official statement about the incident, but the suspects are being held in Anyirawase.

Story By GhBase


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