
We Lost Everything, Act Now – Protestors to Government

Hundreds of residents of Agavedzi, a fishing community in the Ketu South Municipality took to the streets after their coastal homes have been displaced in-yet-another tidal attack.

The perennial occurrence, which took place in the late hours of Wednesday, destroyed several buildings in the community and rendered many homeless.

This has also caused temporarily disruption to socio-activities in the area, as the displaced residents attempt to salvage their belongings from the strong tidal currents.

Hon Eben Assa, the Assembly Member for Agavedzi, described the destruction caused as massive, and appealed for an urgent intervention from government.

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“Most children cannot go to school as a result of the situation and I have observed that these residents need support since they’ve lost all they have.”

He also lamented on the inactivity of the Municipal Chief Executive, Hon Elliot Agbenorwu to render support to the affected residents as promised.

“Mr. Agbenorwu came to visit and promised us that he will come back after three days to give out some materials to the residents. We’ve waited for him but he didn’t show up. He even promised to help the residents to relocate to another side of the town. But here we are. No sign of him”. Hon Eben Assa explained.

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According to the harm caused by this tidal attack, residents of Adina, Sallakope, and Amutinu which are all fishing communities along the coast, joined hands with others in Agavedzi to protest for remedy against this perennial occurrence.

These protestors thus obstructed the Havedzi – Denu road with logs and cement blocks, thereby making it difficult for road users to access that route to other towns and villages.

One of the residents Mr. Agbottey Bismarck, explained to SandCity Radio that they want government to act and save them from the plight.

“Government should really do something about this. We don’t need food stuffs anymore but a sea defense-wall which will curb this tidal attack.” He noted.

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The Ketu South Municipal Director of the National Disaster Management Organisation, Mr. Alorsode Paul who was in the community to assess the situation with his team, said the outfit would as a matter urgency, work to mobilize relief items to support them.

He however urged the residents to exercise restraint and also halt the ongoing protest against government, since measures are underway to address the situation permanently.

Story By: Blamey K. Kekeli/


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