
We need urgent reforms in our land administration system — Togbega

Togbega Gabusu VII, the Paramount Chief of Gbi Traditional Area, Hohoe, says the area needs urgent reforms in its land administration system to match the new Land Act 2020 (Act 1036).

“An efficient local land administration will no doubt bring order and discipline into our physical development space and trigger a departure from the chaotic manner in which we put up houses, buildings and many other physical structures,” he said.

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He said the Gabusu Stool remained the channel through which the powers of the ancestors guided and protected the Gbi Kingdom, but
promised to carry out the reforms to be adequately responsive to the people.

“The Traditional Area shall crave the utmost support of the Municipal Assembly to initiate a cultural renaissance that will focus on tourism promotion through arts and crafts,” he said.

To drive the tourism initiative, they would establish special purpose vehicles (SPVs) to introduce the Hohoe Cultural Festival where talents of the people would be exhibited, Tobgega Gabusu said.

The Traditional Council would build partnerships and seek international assistance for the restoration and revival of the creative and artistic talents of the Gbis.

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