
Young men arrested for brandishing guns granted GHS50,000 bail

A Kumasi circuit court presided over by His Honour, Ebenezer Kwaku Ansah, has granted bail in the sum of GHS50,000 each with two sureties to be justified to two young men who were arrested for brandishing guns in a viral social media video.

The two persons have been accused of publication of false news with an intent to cause fear and alarm, carrying offensive weapons, and conspiracy to commit a crime.

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The judge, who presided over the case, refused a plea by the prosecutor, Chief Supt. Kofi Blagodzi for him to remand the suspects.

The prosecutor’s plea was to allow for further investigations to be conducted by the police, citing illegality on the part of the police for holding the young men for more than 48 hours in police custody.

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According to the police, currently, they do not have any information that connects the two young men to any of the criminal activities recorded in the country.

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The two persons are to appear before the court on July 7, 2021.

Meanwhile, they are supposed to report to the police every three days.

Source: Citinewsroom


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