
44-year-old fake police officer arrested

A 44-year-old man has been arrested for impersonation and unlawful possession of firearm in the Ashanti region.

The suspect, Richard Nyantakyi, was arrested by the District Police Commander of Asokwa, Superintendent Christian Owusu Mpinim on Saturday, September 11, 2021.

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According to a report by the police, the District Commander was driving from Barekese to Abrepo when he spotted the said suspect in a dress that looks like Police uniform welding the pump action gun directing traffic at Asuofua lorry station.

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The suspect, when confronted, claimed to be a policeman stationed at Suame. When asked of his service number he could not give.

The suspect was detained and the gun retained for further action.

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Source: Adomonline

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