
Aflao residents protest over poor roads

Residents of Aflao in the Ketu South Municipality of the Volta Region on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, hit the streets in protest against poor roads in the area.

According to them, promises made by the government to fix the roads especially those leading to the Diamond Cement Factory are yet to materialize.

The demonstrators, including motorcycle riders, were clad in red and black to register their disappointment amidst chanting and wielded placards to communicate their grievances.

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“Our road is not good. We have been asking the government to fix the road for some time now, but nothing has changed. We’ve approached Diamond Cement factory, which is a major factory here to help us fix the road, but they said they are paying so much in taxes to the government, so they can only do something if government stops taking taxes from them,” one protestor said.

Another also told Citi News that “President Akufo-Addo and the Roads Minister were here not long ago and promised that they are coming to construct this road and others in Ketu South. We are just pleading that they should come and fix this road for us. There is a school here, a court here, nursing mothers, pregnant women all use this road. The court had to close down because of the dust on the road.”

The MCE for Ketu South, Eliot Agbenorwu, who received the petition said it will be forwarded to the President for his attention.

“Demonstrations are legitimate actions by citizens to drive home demands, and I want to add my voice that I sympathize with you. I want to assure you that your petition is well-received, and it will be forwarded to the President. This is a special road because of the nature of vehicles and trucks that use it,” he said.

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Source: Citinewsroom


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