
Akatsi South MCE assists schools with 200 dual desks

Mr Martin Kofitsey Nyahe, the Akatsi South Municipal Chief Executive, has presented 200 dual desks to some schools in the area to ensure effective learning outcomes.

The furniture, handed over to the Akatsi South Education Directorate in the Volta Region at a short ceremony, was to equip the basic schools with adequate desks for effective teaching and learning.

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Mr Nyahe explained that 28 of the 91 schools in the district would benefit from the desks as the other schools had already received similar donations.

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He urged the Education Directorate to ensure the furniture was maintained to meet the intended purposes.

Mr Ernest C. K. Kpofor, the Deputy District Director in charge of Finance and Administration, Ghana Education Service, who received the desks, expressed appreciation to the Assembly for the gesture.

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He commended Mr Nyahe for his commitment to ensuring quality education in the area.

Source: GNA


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