
Don’t defy government’s directive on transport fares – GPRTU to Ada drivers

The Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPRTU) Chairman of the Ada Branch, Nene Tetteh Asigbey III, has urged drivers who are collecting unapproved fares to stop doing so.

He asked the drivers to wait for their transport unions’ final decision before implementing the fare increase.

Nene Asigbey was responding to a request made by the Ministry of Transportation for the Ghana Police Service and other law enforcement organizations to keep an eye on commercial drivers who disobey the fare incrementation directive of the Ghana Road Transport Coordinating Council and GPRTU.

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Nene Asigbey stated that since the drivers in Ada were also GPRTU members, they had to follow the instruction to avoid any misunderstandings.

We met with the ministry, and I’m pleading with my drivers to follow the law; an approved fee will be made public shortly. He warned, “If you lose patience and charge your own fare, you might end up in police custody for not using restraint.

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Despite recognizing the increase in fuel prices, the chairperson expressed optimism that the approved adjustment would accurately reflect the current costs of fuel and spare parts.

A thirty percent increase in transportation fares is set to take effect on Saturday, April 13, 2024, according to a joint statement released on Monday, April 8, by the Concerned Drivers Association of Ghana and the Transport Operators of Ghana.

They claimed that the action was taken to offset the recent increase in gas prices..

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However, in a joint statement signed by their general secretaries, Godfred Abulbire and Emmanuel Ohene Yeboah, respectively, the GPRTU and the Ghana Road Transport Coordinating Council urged commuters to disregard the “illegal” increase in transport fares and pay the old fares.


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