
Volta Region: Man Kills His Wife At Adaklu Tevikpo

A woman, believed to be in her late forties and popularly known as Mamaa, was allegedly shot by her husband, Kwame Ayew, at Adaklu Tevikpo in the Adaklu District of the Volta Region.

According to an eyewitness, the deceased’s son discovered her mortal remains in a pool of blood on their farmland while returning home from school.

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The son, whose name was not immediately known, stated that his father had threatened his mother during an argument, saying he would kill her and then commit suicide.

Reports indicate that Kwame Ayew has taken to his hills, prompting the police in Adaklu Ahunda to initiate a search for him.

However, Obed Akoto, a presenter at Hilz FM, a local radio station in Adaklu, informed NewsGhana that the police initially told the community youth they were searching for the murder suspect to prevent a potential mob attack.

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Later, it was confirmed that the accused had gone to the police station to report the incident, claiming that the woman was shot dead by unknown assailants. Subsequently, the police arrested him on suspicion of his involvement in the crime.

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The accused is now in police custody, assisting with the investigation, while the deceased’s body has been deposited at the Ho Teaching Hospital morgue awaiting autopsy. The couple was married with nine children before the tragic incident.

Source: Michael Foli Jackidy


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