
Fake, criminally-minded pretenders – Koku Anyidoho reacts to launch of Atta-Mills Heritage

A former Deputy General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Koku Anyidoho has accused the proponents of the Atta Mills Memorial Heritage of theft.

He said they allegedly stole the colours of the Atta-Mills Institute which he Koku is the Founder and Director, for their Heritage.

“People of Ghana, respectfully, please check out the coloure of this, Fake and criminally-minded pretenders. They stole the Green & White colours of the Atta-Mills Institute, & when we exposed them, they run for, blue. I am laughing myself to stitches,” he tweeted minutes after Former President John Dramani Mahama launched the Heritage at the Cedi Conference Centre at the University of Ghana on Tuesday February 1 2022, under the theme: “The man John Evans Atta Mills – 10 years on..

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During the event, Mr Mahama urged all Ghanaians to emulate the peaceful nature of the late Professor John Evans Atta Mills.

He said Prof Mills was truthful and had integrity. He was also a moral political colossus.

These attributes he said are worth emulating.

“I call on each one of us Ghanaians to uphold truth and integrity and the peaceful nature of Prof Mills. Let us stay united even in the face of adversity, let us uphold tolerance yet we must endeavour to proceed in unity and in truth, we must also strive to defend the cause of freedom and we must fervently the public course to protect our democracy

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“Prof Mills was such a moral political colossus and there can e no limit on the vehicles and instruments that eulogises his memory and history in the hearts and minds of Ghanaians.”

Mr Mahama further said stated the rationale behind the Heritage saying it seeks to inspire humanity for a better society,

“The Heritage seeks to inspire humanity for a better society, a virtue that President Atta Mils lived and died for. Prof Atta Mils simply was a good man. It therefore gladdens the hearts of many millions of people who loved him that this decision was taken to launch the Atta Mills heritage here on campus of our Alma Mata, University of Ghana.

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“This is because it was right here this university grounds, the hail of knowledge and the nation’s hope and glory where we are taught to proceed on integrity and truth” which prof Mills stood for.

Mr Mahama further noted the Professor “Mills grew the economy to an unpresented level.”

By Laud Nartey||Ghana


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