
Government releases housing units to public officials in Oti Region

The government of President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has constructed detached and semi-detached housing bungalows for departmental heads and public sector workers in the Oti Region at Dambai.

The bungalows are sited close to the ongoing Regional Coordinating Council (ORCC) administration block at Yabram, in the Krachi East Municipality.

This initiative is aimed at creating a conducive working environment and instill diligence among workers by addressing the pressing need for suitable housing for senior public officials in the area.

The senior public officials include, Regional Police Commander, Regional Minister, Chief Director, Assistant Directors, Regional Accountants, Regional National Disaster Management Organisation (NADMO) and many more.

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Mr Prince Latif Oyekunle, Assistant Director 1, in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA), expressed contentment at the 95 per cent completion of work and layouts of the bungalows.

He said the proximity of the bungalows to the offices of the senior public officials would enable them to get to work on time.

Mr Oyekunle told GNA that the company had made provisions to enable everyone who will occupy a unit in the bungalow to mount an air conditioner and satellite television if they wanted to, without having to drill more holes in the building.

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He said the decent accommodation for the Oti Regional Coordinating Council (ORCC), will address the challenges and other related housing deficits in the new Region.

DSP Mr Daniel Machator (Rtd), the Oti Regional Minister commended President Akufo-Addo and the New Patriotic Party (NPP) government for constructing apartments to improve worker’s quality of life, enhancing their overall productivity, and contributing to the nation’s economic development in the Oti Region.

He added that the project was almost completed, with the remaining work is to extend electricity to the facility whichsoever they are currently working around.

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He expressed the significant role of a conducive living environment in motivating employees.

He explained that many public sector employees struggle to find affordable housing close to their workplace, leading to long commutes, increased transportation costs and significant time constraints.

“The financial burden of renting housing in both urban and rural areas often consume a substantial portion of worker’s salaries, leaving little room for discretionary spending,” he told the GNA.

Source: GNA


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