
Haruna Iddrisu to Oppong Nkrumah: You communicate well but your job is difficult

NDC MP for Tamale South Haruna Iddrisu has acknowledged the effective management of government communications machinery under the watch of Oppong Nkrumah

Minority leader Haruna Iddrisu has lauded information minister-designate Kojo Oppong Nkrumah for his excellent job at handling government’s communication.

He said though the nature of Nkrumah’s work is arduous, he has managed to streamline government’s communication effectively.

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He passed the comments at Parliament’s Appointments Committee sitting on Thursday 18 February 2021 when Nkrumah appeared before the vetting panel to be assessed.

The nominee who is also the MP for Ofoase Ayirebi provided answers to several questions posed by members on the committee. He called for an increased support for the media in the country emphasising that the media plays a critical role in our democratic dispensation and hence must be assisted to go about their activities in a free and independent manner.

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Legislation against advocacy of LGBT

Nkrumah also proposed the drafting of a legislation against the advocacy of LGBT activities. He said given the current advocacy around the legalisation of homosexuality in the country, Ghana needs to consider passing a law that bans promotion of the act.

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In his concluding remarks, Tamale South MP and Minority leader praised the former broadcaster for “communicating well.”

“Generally, I will acknowledge that you are communicating well. Just that it is difficult. So I wish you well as you prepare and we will see what you are able to do,” Iddrisu said.

Source: asaaseradio


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