
Hohoe clash: Two pupils injured, says MCE

The municipal chief executive (MCE) for Hohoe in the Volta Region, Daniel Noble Awume, has said two pupils of Godenu M/A primary school sustained injuries in last Wednesday’s clash between residents and the police in the community.

Narrating the story to Asaase News, the MCE said it was discovered during a municipal security council (MUSEC) meeting a day after the conflict that the pupils sustained injuries from gunshots fired by the police.

He said the police officers stormed the school premises and fired guns indiscriminately.

The MCE, who doubles as chairman of the security council, said the inactions by the police left some of the pupils and teachers traumatised, prompting the school management to close down the school in the interim.

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The MCE said he took the two injured pupils to the hospital for medical attention.

Exercise restraint

He called on the residents to remain calm as officials probe the incident. According to him, the findings of the investigation will be sent to the Minister of National Security for action to be taken.

At least two individuals died in the melee while others sustained severe injuries in Godenu, a farming community in Hohoe of the Volta Region after clashing with the police.

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The incident, according to the Ghana Police Service (GPS), occurred on Wednesday (30 August) following a “violent disturbance” between some aggrieved youth and a team of police officers in which a police vehicle and a civilian’s motorbike were set ablaze.

A credible source in the community told Asaase News that, a police patrol team was on a manhunt for a man, suspected to have marijuana in his possession.

The source said, the patrol team upon spotting the suspect on a motorbike chased and ran over him (the suspect). The suspect died in the situation.

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In retaliation, the youth of the community joined forces against the officers and allegedly burnt the vehicle of the law enforcers.

Eyewitnesses say the police officers allegedly opened gunfire “indiscriminately” resulting in the deaths and injuries.

Families who lost their relatives in the clash are also hoping for justice to be served as soon as possible. 

The MP for Hohoe, John Peter Amewu, has also toured the community and commiserated with the residents. He promised to pursue the case for justice to prevail. 


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