
Nomadic herdsmen at Aseseeso flee town after death of Ambulance driver

The Ghana Police Service has begun investigations into the robbery incident that led to the death of an ambulance driver with the Somanya branch of the county’s ambulance service, Abraham Tetteh.

No arrest has been made despite the deployment of police to the area.

The police report that nomadic herdsmen in the Aseseeso community where the ambulance was attacked have deserted their homes and cattle.

“We have men who are on the ground including those plain cloth men. The district commander even led a team of policemen to comb the whole of the area yesterday in search of the alleged suspects.”

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“In some of the areas noted to be settlements for nomadic herdsmen, we had information that some of them vacated their abodes, living behind their cattle. It means some of them are aware that some of their friends actually had a hand in this robbery. But we will go all out to get the perpetrators to this crime to book,” Deputy Eastern Regional Police Public Relations Officer, Sergeant Francis Gormado said in a Citi News interview.

He further appealed to the residents to assist the police with information so they could arrest the perpetrators of the heinous crime.

“We are picking up some information which will assist us. It is also important that the public helps us with information that will lead to the arrest of the alleged robbers.”

which he hoped will be addressed soon to help them fight crime.

“The only challenge is that accommodation wise, they have a problem with it, and we don’t have more men. With time, we will post more men with vehicles to assist in patrolling the area. Looking at the location of the station, if they have the logistics, things that happen on the stretch will be a thing of the past.”The driver with the National Ambulance Service in the Eastern Region was shot by some unidentified armed men in the eye. Although he survived the attack, he subsequently died on Saturday, February 6, 2021.

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Abraham Tetteh was left unconscious after eight suspected armed robbers shot him and extorted money from his colleagues.

They were transferring a woman who was in labor and her relative from the Akuse Government Hospital to the Koforidua Regional Hospital when the unfortunate incident occurred.

The driver was transferred to the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital where he passed on.

Source: citinewsroom

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