
Okyeman Mining Protection Unit impounds illegal wood worth GHS 400,000

The Okyeman Mining Protection Unit is demanding documentation from the Executive Director of the Forestry Services Division at the Forestry Commission, Mr Oppong Sasu on an impounded illegal woods.

The Okyeman Mining Protection Unit impounded a truckload of illegal wood worth almost Ghc 400,000.00 at Akyem Nsutam in the Eastern Region.

The truckload of milled wood originated from Sankore in the Western Region and passed through all the major Forestry Commission checkpoints without any hindrance but was intercepted at Akyem Nsutam by the Okyeman Mining Protection Unit during a routine monitoring operation.

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Upon interrogation, occupants of the truck mentioned Mr Oppong Sasu, the Executive director of the Forestry Services Division as the owner of the wood.

Operations director of the Okyeman Mining Protection Unit, Okogyemang Apedja Ofori, confirmed the issue and hinted that the Okyenhene Osagyefo Amoatia Ofori Panin has directed the Executive Director of the Forestry Services Division, Mr Oppong Sasu, to produce documents covering the wood before it would be released.

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When our News team contacted Mr Oppong Sasu, he denied having any interest in the illegal wood.

Meanwhile, the truckload of illegal Woods is still parked at the forecourt of the Ofori Panin fie.

Prior to these operations, the Okyeman Mining Protection Unit impounded five trucks fully loaded with illegal wood.

The illegal lumbering and its illicit trade increase every day within the Atewa forest and other forest reserves in the country, contributing to the fast diminishing of Ghana’s forest reserve.

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The situation has worsened since last November when the Forestry Services Division recall its staff manning some Forestry checkpoints on the Accra – Kumasi Highway.

The Okyeman Mining Protection Unit upon realising the illegal lumbering business decided to watch over the activities and have brought to book some of the perpetrators.



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