
Rolex Miheso retained as NDC chair for Anlo

Mr Rolex Agbe Miheso, the incumbent Chairman of the Anlo constituency of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has been retained by delegates to lead the party for the next four years.

He gathered 802 votes to beat his contender Mr Samuel Ekuadzi, who got 418 votes.

Mr Miheso, who also serves as the Accra-Anloga Branch of the Ghana Private Road Transport Union Chairman, disclosed to Ghana News Agency (GNA) in a victory message that, the time has come for the party in the constituency to strengthen its rank and file for unity and victory in 2024.

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He stated that the party was poised to come back to power in 2024 to continue their good work under the leadership of John Dramani Mahama.

Mr G.R.K. Amedoyror also garnered 638 votes to beat his main contender who got 538 votes to occupy the position of Vice Chairman.

The secretaryship position went to Mr Edward Cletus Tettey, who had 668 votes to beat other two contestants.

In all, 439 votes went to Mr Raphael Fenu for the Deputy secretary slot as he beat Mr Babakey Unity Besavi and Mr Adjei Anthony Edem who got 394 and 388 votes respectively.

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Others are, Mr Samuel Kofi Sebuava, Treasurer with 840 votes, Madam Rejoice Koffie with 496 votes as Deputy Treasurer, Mr Samuel Brass Dedzo, Organizer, Madam Sandra S.M. Kpedor with Madam Agbenyegah Enyonam Tsimigo as her deputies.

The Communications Officer position went to Mr Shugah Mawuli Anthonio together with Mr James Gbordomegbor as his Deputy.

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Precious Kusorgbor and Klenam Adedze were voted Youth Organizer and the Deputy respectively, whilst Sekley Francis will serve as the second Deputy.

Mr Mumuni Habib was also voted to the position of Zongo Caucus leader.

The electorate per the party constitution elected eight other executives to help spearhead toward their victory 2024.

The new Executives after their swearing in at the end of what many called ‘a peaceful exercise’, pledged to work hard to bring back the NDC to power.

Source: GNA


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