
Some Ghanaians in UK embark on walk to laud Akufo-Addo government

A cross-section of Ghanaians in the United Kingdom, by name Patriotic Ghanaian Citizens in the UK, have taken to the streets of London to show support for President Nana Akufo-Addo and his administration.

They carried placards and banners, some of which read “Let’s Fix it Together”, “Let us work on our own Attitude”, “Thank You For Free SHS”, “NABCO is a Game Changer”, among others.

The sympathizers eulogized the President and his administration and urged him to do more to further improve the fortunes of the country.

They also praised the president for the successes chalked with regard to his industrialization policy, the “Ghana CARES Obaatampa” programme, among others during the COVID-19 pandemic, and at a time that the world’s economy is reeling under pressure from the pandemic.

Presenting a petition to the Ghana High Commission in the UK, the group leader, Amanda Baffour-Awuah disclosed that Ghanaians in the diaspora genuinely appreciate the progress chalked under president Akufo-Addo’s government.

She believes with the needed support and constructive criticism, policies such as the Free SHS, Planting for Food and Jobs, 1 Village 1 Dam, 1 District 1 Factory, among others, would go a long way to facilitate the development of Ghana.

Mrs. Freda Bediako-Puni, Head of Commonwealth and Diaspora Affairs who received the petition on behalf of the High Commissioner, thanked the demonstrators and assured them of sending the petition through the High Commissioner to the President.

The President is presently in the UK attending the Global Education Summit.

Below is the full support statement


The High Commissioner
Ghana High Commission United Kingdom
13 Belgrave Square

Friday, 30th July 2021

Ghana’s Resurging Economy amidst a Post-Covid Global Economic Recession: Fixed and Fixing.

In this short brief, we, Patriotic Ghanaian Citizens in the United Kingdom wish to remind Ghanaians of your successes and highlight some persistent bottlenecks in our governance system which you inherited and which by God’s grace will be dealt with in the coming years in the following narratives:

1. The COVID Response and H.E.’s Global Leadership
The covid-19 pandemic is placing a heavy toll on human and economic development globally. Despite Ghana recording the third-highest number of coronavirus cases across Africa, at some point, (after South Africa and Nigeria) the country has not been near as devastated as other countries in Asia, Europe, and the Americas and we only have the Almighty God for showing us mercy during these difficult times.

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Besides God’s mercies, the relatively good state of Ghana’s present economy is the direct result of H.E President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo’s leadership during the crises. The government under the leadership of President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo instituted multiple efforts to address the adverse effects of the pandemic, especially on the economy, financial sectors. Key policies initiated to successfully fight the pandemic included;

• H.E.’s bi-weekly national address and update on government’s efforts to limit and counter the virus-spread;
• Provision of state-funded care for patients infected with the virus;
• Making available US$100 million to prepare a COVID-19 Response Plan
• Expanding Ghana’s domestic capability and deepening self-reliance, immediate release of funds to support businesses for the production of nose masks, aprons, sanitizers, clinical materials, equipment, public education, etc.

• Public Health Education and Contact Tracing
• Social and Travel Restrictions
• GHS1 billion Stimulus package for industry and citizens.
• Establishment of the COVID-19 National Trust Fund managed by an independent board of trustees
• Government support to cover water and electricity bills for all Ghanaians and businesses
• Food and Livelihood Assistance: Distribution of US$40 million in dry food packages and hot meals to vulnerable people affected by the lockdown, including the poor and street vendors.
• GHS600 million Coronavirus Alleviation Programme and Business Support Scheme in collaboration with the National Board for Small Scale Industries, business and trade associations, and selected commercial and rural banks

2. Pre-Covid Economic Miracle
It is undeniable that your first term in government was one with resounding successes and we are hopeful that you will consolidate these gains in your second term.

Below is a list of some of your most impactful achievements before COVID:

1. Reforming the banking sector and reducing average lending rates as well as inflation
2. Maintaining our spot among the fastest-growing economies and maintaining a healthy trade balance whilst increasing our Gross International reserves
3. Successful implementation of flagship programs such as Free-SHS, 1D1F, One Village One Dam, Planting for Food and Jobs, One Constituency One Ambulance
4. Introduction of pension scheme for peasant farmers and the establishment of the Tree Crop Authority
5. Enrolling 100,000 graduates into the Nations Builders Corps program(
6. Reduction of Import duties
7. Digitisation of the economy: Digital Address System, Tax Identification Number (TIN) National ID Card, Mobile Money Interoperability program, Streamlining Passport Application process as well as Driver’s License application processes
8. Reviving the NHIS, Aluminium, and Bauxite industries, etc.

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3. Rebecca Foundation Initiatives
We would also like to take this opportunity to commend and express our profound appreciation to the Rebecca Foundation for its sterling commitment to the wellbeing of women and children in Ghana. Over the past four years, we have observed with admiration the work of the Foundation and its adherence to transparency and good corporate governance practices which have made the Foundation one of the most reputable charities in Ghana.

We believe these are the qualities that have enabled the Rebecca Foundation to deliver infrastructure and other services in the areas of Child & Mother Health, Education, and Women’s Economic Empowerment. We acknowledge some of the great initiatives that the foundation through her support and leadership has rolled out and successfully brought to fruition.

1. Innovative approaches for promoting primary health care, i.e., the construction of a mother-Baby Unit for the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital in Kumasi which has eased the congestion at the maternity unit, drastically reduced child mortality rate, and improved outcomes for mothers and new-borns

2. Construction of health posts in deprived communities and her monthly health outreaches

3. Provision of family planning services for the young adults

4. Refurbishing and construction of new libraries in some remote areas

5. Exchange programs for Ghanaian pupils; an educational program that seeks to deepen cultural, academic and sports ties between pupils of Ghana and China

6. Advocacy efforts towards the extension of maternity leave beyond the statutory 12 weeks

4. Fixing Persistent Inefficiencies in our Governance Structure
Mr. President, whilst we commend you for the unrivaled achievements made by your government since 2017, we, however, feel compelled to also bring to your attention some inefficiencies that deprive us still from realizing our full potential as a people.

We wish to draw your attention to five areas still fraught with inefficiencies and it is our prayer that you give these areas rapt attention:

1. Income distribution in Ghana is still at disproportionate levels

2. The economy is still afflicted with huge indebtedness

3. Persistent unemployment, especially among the youth.

4. The high unemployment rate among our teeming youth creates a sense of insecurity in the system. We, therefore, call for a collaboration of enlightened leaders in government, business corporations, religious bodies, financial institutions, academics, scientists, and educators to press for rapid solutions to job creation for the youth, recognizing that a stable economy is a precondition for human well-being, stability, and peace. They should focus on realizing the immense mutual benefits of job creation and enhancing security, dignity, and fairness.

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5. Although your government has implemented countless anti-corruption interventions, including digitalization of the economy, with the aim of harmonizing procurement processes in the public sector, secure judicious, economic, and efficient use of public funds, there remains innumerable petty corruption in the Ghanaian public administration which clearly undermines all socio-economic developments

6. Finally, it is observed that rapid response from your office regarding sensitive issues of public interest like example the Ejura incident will help maintain the image of your Presidency for posterity; these are “the little foxes that spoil the vine” when totally ignored in the first instance.


In acknowledging the fact that our dear country, Ghana has not been spared of the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, we also acknowledge that the expected spurt in economic growth has been somewhat stifled and this can be felt by the citizens. Recently, there have been agitations among the citizenry which has culminated with a now popular media hashtag #FixTheCountry.

Your Excellency, we as concerned and patriotic citizens would like to extend a reassuring hand to say that, we are maintaining our unwavering faith in your leadership and in so doing admonish you and the government to act promptly in curtailing the activities of some public sector officials and government appointees whose actions may have contributed directly or indirectly to such backlash.

Ghanaian citizens in the United Kingdom are appreciative of the efforts of His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo especially towards the very pragmatic and efficient measures put in place to protect fellow citizens back home from the dreading effects of the Coronavirus pandemic that has brutally cost most nations precious lives. We also commend the efforts being made to mitigate the hardships that have been caused as a result such as support for small and medium scale businesses.

It is our fervent hope and prayer, as concerned citizens abroad, that with God on our side and your able leadership, Ghana’s situation would improve remarkably and citizens feel its ripple effect (within their pockets).

God bless you, Your Excellency, God bless us all,
God bless our homeland Ghana and make her great and strong.


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