
We may reconstitute our parliamentary leadership soon – Asiedu Nketiah

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) says it will soon make changes in its leadership in Parliament.

The party says it takes such a decision after every general election.

However, the changes have not been made in this current eighth Parliament due to the NDC’s litigation of some parliamentary seats.

General Secretary of the NDC, Johnson Asiedu Nketiah in an interview on Face to Face on Citi TV said: “There is some work in progress. After every election, we reconstitute the leadership of Parliament even if it means reconfirming them. We haven’t done that yet because of the court cases. We started but got to a point and felt that we need to finish with the court cases first. So it is something we are considering. But there will be a definite statement. I am sure by the time, they [Parliament] return from the break, we would have taken this decision”.

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After the NPP and NDC split the seats in the House, it was the expectation of many Ghanaians that there will be proper checks and balances especially on matters of national interest.

But the approval of the 2021 budget and some ministers flagged by the NDC among other things put the side’s ability to properly put the government on its toes in serious doubt.

Many have therefore put pressure on the NDC to overhaul its leadership in Parliament.

Even the Speaker, Alban Bagbin has not been spared.

Touching on concerns that the Minority caucus in the Parliament has not been serving the party’s interest during the ministerial approval, Johnson Nketiah admitted that the development was problematic.

“We were all worried about our side passing some of the nominees. We thought that this was the time for us to exact accountability from them, but things didn’t work out the way we expected. It nearly created a problem for our leadership and the leadership in Parliament. We were just shocked that all of them had been passed. But it was a collective failure.”

Mr. Asiedu Nketiah also said there is a high possibility that things will change for the better in the coming days.

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He said the party still has high hopes of becoming the majority in Parliament after the adjudication of the court cases.

“We have eight cases in court now, so we are very confident that our majority status will be restored after the adjudication of those cases. If it flips now, Haruna [Iddrisu] will become the majority leader, and it will change a lot in the house. Unless there is executive pressure on the court, we believe in the strength of our cases. We are keenly following what is happening, and we are very positive”, he said.

Source: citinewsroom


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