
Ashanti Region: NDC “warmonger” to face court over viral video

The Manhyia South organiser of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Alhassan Mustapha, is to face prosecution over alleged inflammatory remarks captured in a viral video.

Mustapha was summoned for questioning before the Ashanti Regional Police CID for allegedly threatening violence in the run-up to the 2024 elections. He has since been charged with offensive conduct and threats of death as the police advance investigations into the matter.

The suspect was accompanied by top NDC officials and supporters in the region to provide solidarity support for the embattled party executive. Mustapha’s lawyer Chapman Zigah said he is ready to face prosecution in court next week.

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“As you know, we all came here with the regional executives, and they have done their best possible to secure bail for him … [My client] will report to the police next week and the police are processing the docket before the court,” Zigah said.

Comment justified

However, the Ashanti regional NDC chair, speaking to the media after Mustapha’s release, argued that there was nothing wrong with the organiser’s statement because it was triggered by a comment by his NPP associate.

He further declared that, following the comment by the NPP organiser, the NDC is going to be vigilant in this year’s election to avoid any manipulation of the vote.

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“Looking at the statement of my organiser, it was a conversation between two gentlemen, one NPP and one NDC organiser. And the NPP person was saying that they are not ready to hand over power if NDC wins 2024, and that was his comment.

“And my organiser said no, you can’t say that. One, we are not happy about the statement he made, but we are not going to sit down for somebody to intimidate us in this election, 2024. That’s what I’m saying, nobody can intimidate us and no matter what, NDC is going to be vigilant, and we are going to win the 2024 elections.”

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He also debunked a claim circulating that the organiser had been declared wanted by the police and urged the media to retract any publications to that effect.

Similar case

The clip raised concerns about potential unrest as Ghana gears up for the general election.

In 2023, the Ghana Police Service arraigned the NDC youth organiser in Suame, Razak Koampa Avoliya, for making similar comments.

That case is still pending at the Asokwa Circuit Court.

Source: Asaaseradio


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