
Labour Commission Orders Colleges Of Education Teachers To End Strike

National Labour Commission (NLC) has issued a directive to the Colleges of Education Teachers Association of Ghana (CETAG) ordering them to call off their ongoing strike.

The NLC’s decision comes in the wake of a pivotal hearing on Thursday where CETAG was formally notified of the commission’s intention to take legal action against the government in pursuit of enforcing arbitral award orders for CETAG.

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Since Friday, June 14, 2024, CETAG members have been on strike protesting against the government’s failure to implement the arbitral award and address negotiated service conditions.
Central to their demands is the implementation of an arbitral award that includes the payment of one month’s salary to each member for additional duties carried out in 2022.

In response to the lingering dispute, the NLC has taken a decisive step towards enforcing its ruling by preparing to sue the government for compliance with the arbitral award on June 26.
This move underscores the NLC’s commitment to upholding labor standards and ensuring the timely execution of legally binding agreements in the interest of industrial harmony.

Despite the NLC’s order to halt the strike, CETAG is yet to make a final decision on whether to comply with the directive.

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The association’s response to the NLC’s directive remains uncertain as it navigates the complex dynamics of the ongoing negotiations with the authorities.

The coming days are poised to be decisive as both CETAG and the government grapple with the implications of the NLC’s directive and the prospects of potential legal proceedings.



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